Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Larry Brooks feels the same way I do

IT'S one thing for a player to be shadowed on the ice by a checker, the way Jaromir Jagr was for a time by Jay Pandolfo, or Bobby Hull was by a pest named Bugsy Watson.
It's quite another thing, however, for a player to be shadowed on the ice by game officials, the way that Sean Avery has been by referees and linesmen alike throughout the first three games of his return to the Rangers. He is entitled to play his game without a referee or linesman in his face after every whistle, or whispering to him prior to faceoffs, or escorting him to the bench during stops in play. AMEN AND BRAVO!
The shit he is getting called for is unreal and the woest part is they let the same play go earlier in the game but then later they penalize Avery for it.

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